اهنگ red rubye از nicki minaj

اهنگ red rubye از nicki minaj

nicki minaj red rubye

خواننده : nicki minaj

آهنگ : red rubye

نظرات دانلود mp3 متن شعر

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متن ترانه

اهنگ red rubye از nicki minaj

nicki minaj red rubye

Only on them C’s if it’s breeze, Red Ruby Da Sleeze
Chinese on my sleeve, these wannabe Chun-Lis
Anyway, nǐ hǎo (nǐ hǎo)
Who the fuck told bitches they was me now? (Ooh)
I knew these bitches was slow, I ain’t know these bitches senile (ooh)
Married a shooter case you niggas tried to breathe loud (brrt)
Boom your face off, then I tell him, “Cease fire

I’m the A-B side
Seven-hundred on ’em horses when we fixin’ to leave
But I don’t fuck with horses since Christopher Reeves
(Uh-oh, uh-oh)”

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تاریخ ارسال : 29 می 2023
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(#red rubye )

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