اهنگ Side Effect از Alok

اهنگ Side Effect از Alok

alok side effect

خواننده : alok

آهنگ : side effect

نظرات دانلود mp3 متن شعر

متن شعر

متن اهنگ

Tell me all your lies
Play tricks on my mind
I don’t care
I switched on the lights
You went on the side
I don’t care
Why do you look so confused?
I know what you didn’t do
You still want to play your games
I am wiser, I have changed
Yeah, and now the joke’s on you
It’s a side effect of love to lose control
Just to realize you’re better on your own
It’s a side effect of love to want it all
You can’t get enough until the feeling’s gone
It’s the side effect of love

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تاریخ ارسال : 7 جولای 2022
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(#side effect )

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